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Installing Motion

Motion is available on PyPI. Motion requires Python 3.8 or later. To install Motion, run the following command:

pip install motion-python

To verify motion is working as intended, run motion in your terminal. An usage explanation should be returned, as well as a list of CLI commands that can be executed.

To install Motion with support for Applications (FastAPI apps that serve Motion components) and Tables (wrapper around PyArrow table with zero-copy vector search), run the following command:

pip install motion-python[application]
pip install motion-python[table]

Optionally, the shorthand pip install motion-python[application,table] or pip install motion-python[all] can be used.

Setting up the database

Motion relies on Redis to store component state and metadata. You can install Redis here and run it however you like, e.g., via Docker. You will need to configure the following environment variables:

  • MOTION_REDIS_HOST: The host of the Redis server. Defaults to localhost.
  • MOTION_REDIS_PORT: The port of the Redis server. Defaults to 6379.
  • MOTION_REDIS_PASSWORD: The password of the Redis server. Defaults to None.
  • MOTION_REDIS_DB: The database of the Redis server. Defaults to 0.

(Optional) Installing from source

Motion is developed and maintained on Github. We use poetry to manage dependencies and build the package. To install Motion from source, run the following commands:

git clone
cd motion
make install

(Optional) Component Visualization Tool

Check out the component visualization tool here.